Friday, March 6, 2009

Endurance Character Design

Character designs for my graduate film, "Endurance."

Endurance Film

This is the blog for my final year film telling the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton and his perilous Endurance expedition across Antarctica.

The Hunt

These are some of of the models I made. Above is the model I did for the O'Connell Street scene.

The Hunt

I did some work on an intro for a reality show for Trinity Film Makers this year. The show "The Hunt" is a treasue hunt based around dublin. For this intro I designed the titles, I produced the 3D animation and also digitally colour graded the video so it would have the same golden glow of the titles.

Fry and Submarine Video

This is the video of my film i made last year. Some shots are still in the blocking pass stages.

Fry and Submarine

This was a short animated film I did last year. It tells the story of a you fish called Fry who encounters a toy submarine. While he inspects the sub, the young fish believes it to be another fish, which he then attempt to mimic it. The submarine is then taken from the water and then returned fullt wound up. When the submarine begins to move, Fry is over-joyed believing it to be alive only to have the toy taken away at the end as the sub floats away. 

It was a great technical challange this film. The film still has some shots in its blocking pass stages.

3DS Model

Poster for Ben Dilley

I did this poster for my DJ friend who was headling a night in Fusion. Made with 3ds Max and Photoshop

A bit of fun

I wanted to make this Paul Klee painting "Hat Kopf" come to life. So I did!

Group Project 2008

This was group project I directed with Sean Gallgher, Brian Hoary and Dave Mooney. The goal of the project was just to create a short visual effects piece. Due totime contraints the film suffered and much of the robot's lighting and texturing was not to the standard we had wished. It was still fun to make. 

Have You Passed Through This Night

These a the posters and DVD cover I did for a film I did a few years ago, "Have You Passed Through This Night?"